Wildlife Shouldn’t Suffer Because of Human Stupidity

Freya was the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and war. That makes her a strange namesake for a 1,300-pound walrus. The tusked sea mammals are known not for their beauty or for their aggressiveness. Freya the walrus, if anything, was better known for climbing aboard yachts in Oslo’s harbor. Until this week, that is. Now she is best known for the local government’s decision to kill her.
Wildlife recovery spending after Australia’s last megafires was 13 times less than the $2.7 billion needed

Few could forget the devastating megafires that raged across southeast and western Australia during 2019–20. As well as killing people and destroying homes and towns, the fires killed wildlife and burnt up to 96,000km² of animal habitat—an area bigger than Hungary.
Wildlife Shouldn’t Suffer Because of Human Stupidity

Freya was the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and war. That makes her a strange namesake for a 1,300-pound walrus. The tusked sea mammals are known not for their beauty or for their aggressiveness. Freya the walrus, if anything, was better known for climbing aboard yachts in Oslo’s harbor. Until this week, that is. Now she is best known for the local government’s decision to kill her.