
Spice Tour of Zanzibar

Spice tour

Four hour guided tour, which starts at Kibweni Palace through to Kidichi. Here are the Persian Baths built by Seyyid Said Sultan for his wife the Princess Shehrzard, one of the family member of the Shah of Persia. You will then proceed to Kizimbani spice plantations. Here you can see, touch a wide variety of spices, fruits, herbs and ornamental plants and flowers. You will also have the opportunity to pick, smell, and savour fruits and spices which you have probably never seen on the supermarket shelf, Cloves, star fruit, tangerine trees, lemon grass, mangos teen, ‘lipstick trees’, to name but a few what you can expect to see! This is the cheapest place to buy locally made perfumes and oils. When the tour is over we drive back to the hotel.


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