
1 Day Historical City Tour of Zanzibar

Zanzibar historical city tour


It is a three-hour tour which begins at your hotel or entry point where you walk and driven around the historic old city. Our first visit during this tour and excursion in zanzibar is the fruit market which was opened in 1904. Here you will see and buy a variety of the tropical fruits and spices. This is the best place where you will feel multiculturalism of Zanzibar consisting of the residents of different origin. From here you will then proceed to the Anglican Cathedral at Mkunazini built by Bishop Streers in 1874 exactly on the site of the former slave market. The guide will also show you the place where is believed that slaves were kept before auctioned. The crucifix of the Church came from the tree in Chitambo under which the heart of Dr. Livingstone was buried. From here the next stop is the National Museums of Zanzibar commonly called Peace Memorial Museums.

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